3 Natural Remedies for Eczema

3 Natural Remedies for Eczema

Working with the pediatric population, I see a LOT of children and infants with skin problems such as Eczema. While I don’t have personal experience with this I do have personal experience with Rosacea and I thought I'd share a variety of natural options I found that have worked very well. As always, I encourage you to have an in depth conversation with your physician to discuss all options and methods to address your concerns.


As much as it would be amazing to say there was a magic cream to make eczema go away, I have to make it clear that the underlying problem is not being addressed with a topical cream. I know, this may be a heartbreaking thing to read but hear me out, a cream can stop the immediate discomfort but won’t get to the root cause. I think you’re ready to kick this in the butt so let’s get down to biz. 

This is why I’m a HUGE component of dietary and natural options. Eczema is complex, however attacking it from all angles will leave you with long lasting results and happy soothed skin!

Where my Foodies At??

I know it seems weird to talk about food when you’re wanting to know how to heal a skin issue but diet is often a big underlying concern with those dealing with eczema.

You may or may not have heard that the gut is highly connected to our overall immune state and it is! Add on exposure to medications, antibiotics, and inflammatory foods and this can create chaos for your skin.

One of the best things to help heal the gut is bone broth. A major key component to the GAPS diet (also known as the “Gut and Psychology Syndrome” diet). For more info on the GAPS diet I highly suggest you grab this book and dive in!  Bone broth is an amazing source of calcium and many other minerals, and it’s super easy to make. The overall  health benefits are tremendous but other benefits include: digestive, joints, nervous system, and SKIN SUPPORT. 

Remember I said it’s easy to make right? You can even make it in your Instant Pot!! (#winning). One fun trick I’ve found is to roast approximately 3 lbs bones • Carrots. • Celery • Onion • Garlic • Season with Salt and Pepper⁣ on a sheet pan for about 40 minutes in the oven before you cook it. If you use an Instant Pot you can top it with water and cook on manual for 2 hours. Are you more of a stock pot kinda person?....no problem, just slow simmer for about 8-10 hours and enjoy!

Natural Remedies


A somewhat controversial topic, the idea of probiotics being used to naturally support the gut and healing of atopic dermatitis is mixed. Many reviews claim there is not enough evidence however from personal experience there are tremendous benefits from using a high quality probiotic ¹ .

As our diets have moved heavily away from using fermentation processes that would help build a flourishing array of flora in the gut, supplementing with probiotics may be important more than we know. For many including myself, foods with probiotics in them was not effective (not to mentioned often filled with sugars). I’ve tried many varieties however the one I personally found most effective has 9 strains with 17 billion live active cultures and uses a delayed release capsule to ensure the cultures get straight to the intestines. Quality matters if we are going to support the GI system.


For those who do not find their condition gets worse in water, detox baths can be very healing to the body. While they help remove toxins from the body they can also make you tired so considering doing them before bed a couple times a week!

Bentonite Clay Bath

Take the epsom salts and mix a few drops if desired of essential oils and pour into the water. In a small glass jar mix the clay using a plastic spoon with a bit of water until the clumps are mostly dissolved. Add the clay mix to the bath and soak for at least 20 minutes.


If you do not have an allergy to coconut, applying a thin layer of coconut oil to the skin can be soothing and help stop the itch. I also find that good old lavender is not only great to calm and relax your mind but is also amazing to soothe the skin. If you find Coconut to be too drying you can always try another option as sometimes coconut oil has been known to strip the skin of moisture intensifying the itch for some. 


There are many other tips and tricks to naturally address eczema and ditch the itch but you want to make sure you are focused on getting to the root of the cause. Consider seeking a consultation with an allergist and then create a good plan of attack to change your dietary and personal care products so that you can love the skin you’re in! 

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Natural Ways to Help Relieve Urinary Tract Infections (UTI’s)

Natural Ways to Help Relieve Urinary Tract Infections (UTI’s)

Ya’ll know I’m all about preventative wellness and plants over pills so I figured I’d touch upon this common ailment that often affects women and mamas….the urinary tract infection (or UTI for short). Here are some tips for natural ways to relieve the infamous urinary tract infection.

What Is a Urinary Tract Infection?

When bacteria enters the urinary tract (typically through the urethra) and multiplies you have a UTI . Typically infections start in the urethra or bladder but they can affect any area of the urinary tract including the ureters and kidneys if not treated in a timely fashion.

Thought to be most often caused by E. coli, other bacteria, viruses, and fungi can also create an infection. 

Women are eight times more likely to contract a UTI than men ¹ but other risk factors include being pregnant (because of changes in the pelvis), immune system dysfunction (especially autoimmune and metabolic conditions), and post menopause (due to less estrogen)  ² 

What are some symptoms?

Most common symptoms include: 

  1. Frequent urination (but not much comes out)

  2. Pain or a burning sensation in the vagina when urinating

  3. Cloudy or foul-smelling urine


Dietary Options

Sugar-Ditch it. It’s highly inflammatory and bacteria just love feed off of it. (aka-not a great option when dealing with UTI's)

Drink More H2O. It helps to flush things out of the body with ease. I love my Corksicle water canteen!

Eat more fermented foods like sauerkraut and kombucha to help increase the healthy bacteria in your gut.

Ditch the processed foods that are filled with fillers, lack nutrients, and are often high in sugar.

Increase your Vitamin C intake with a quality supplement or with foods such as broccoli or kale.

Add D-Mannose to your water and ingest. D-mannose is known to help make it harder for bacteria to stick to the walls of the bladder. Here’s a good source to keep on hand if you find yourself dealing with UTI’s frequently. 


Tumeric Tea is great for UTI's and is known for it's amazing anti-inflammatory properties. 

Cranberry is often a well known option but buyer beware, you want organic so that you don't get caught with added sugars in your cranberry juice...or if you like super easy, grab a capsule!

Parsley is a known diuretic and great for detoxification. You can make a tea by steeping 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley in 1 cup of boiling hot water for about 5 minutes. If you like easy peasy conveniences like me, grab yourself a top quality dietary version of parsley essential oil, place 1 drop in a tea cup and add boiling hot water!

At the end of the day there are a ton of natural options you can do to help get relief but you need to do what is best for your body and weigh the risks vs benefits. If you are not finding success with such natural options then seek advice from your medical professional. 

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My 3 Favorite Money Saving Pieces of Exercise Equipment

My 3 Favorite Money Saving Pieces of Exercise Equipment

I’d be crazy if I said I was an exercise fanatic in the gym for hours on end because NEWS FLASH****** I’m not, but I do believe that daily movement is a MUST for everyone. In this digital age our lives are incredibly sedentary and the cost of gyms can be a barrier. 

Here are some of my favorite cost effective exercise tools and apps that can get you movin’ and groovin’!

Peloton App 

When all gyms closed down during the pandemic I had to get creative with my workouts as I’m not a big fan of outdoor stuff in cold weather so I decided to take up the free 90 day trial with Peleton (that trial may be back to 30days at the time you read this). What I love about this option is you get 90 days to explore ALL their workouts (no treadmill or bike needed). Whether you’re a lover of cardio, walking outdoors, HIIT and Tabata workouts or want a good strengthening workout this app will give you a large variety. Plus after the trial the digital membership cost is super reasonable at $12.99/mo. For more info check it out here.

Sweat the Technique Bands

As a PT, Theraband is a staple in most clinical settings but like a lot of resistance bands the constant issue of them rolling up your thighs can be a big pain in the you know what! I came upon this company thru a friend who had raving reviews and totally geeked out placing an order. What struck me most were the numerous people who stated that the bands fabric material didn’t budge during movements (huge win because that's what annoys me most about exercise bands)! For the price and quality that makes it a very versatile piece of workout equipment for the busy female who can’t make it to the gym or needs to get in a workout while traveling. For more deets on their shop collection click here.

Jump Rope

Want a quick and powerful cardio workout-grab a jump rope. This one has nice foam handles for a great grip, the rope itself is adjustable, and since the rope is made of steel wire has a PVC coating you don’t have to worry about it tangling up. Oh, and speaking of those worriers who feel they don’t fit the ‘physical profile’ of someone that can jump rope let’s remember everyone has a starting point-your journey is just that, yours so let’s celebrate wether you do 30 seconds of jump rope or 10+ minutes! I have to constantly remind myself that progress only happens when we take ACTION! Here’s an affordable jump rope for those that aren’t into searching in stores. 

Here’s the Lowdown……

Working out can be as hard or as difficult as you make it but it DOESN'T have to be expensive. With some small investments you can get your movement on from your comfy abode.

What are some inexpensive equipment or apps you love to use to get your workout on?

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Why the NOT-TO-DO LIST Will Change Yo’ life!

Why the NOT-TO-DO LIST Will Change Yo’ life!

Ladies, we inundate our lives with ‘things’ and ’lists’....obligatory activities we THINK we need to do to be considered relevant, important, and needed but we often fail to see how those things suck the LIFE out of us and the time that we have to do the things we really want to do. 

You’ll hear me say all the time “I ain’t got time for that stress in my life”.....and it’s true. In fact being a busy NYer I have had to fully embrace the idea of a not-to-do list, a set of non negotiables I will NOT involve myself in because it does not align with my personal values. 

Whether you are a new mom, college student, caregiver for a parent or child with different needs, or a busy female entrepreneur you WILL experience a time where you will be handed a whole lotta responsibility. You’ll take it all on because the ego kicks in, but here’s what starts to happen…….

-You dig in and go hard.

-You start losing sleep.

-You get handed more responsibility….but still can’t say no.

-You start snippin’ at your friends and loved ones because you’re tired.

-You fall apart and pray for 10 mins to hide in the bathroom or in a tiny home in a far away park.

Sound familiar?

It’s called Burnout! I’ve personally experienced it in college, grad school, at work, as a parental caregiver and in business and trust me it ain’t pretty. I think it’s safe to say you clearly don’t believe it’s healthy to keep engaging in things that you really dread. 

So why is this list so important?  

Your Stress Decreases: Proclaiming your non negotiables in your not-to-do list allows you to honor yourself and your values at all times vs being stress out trying to engage in things that others deem more important than you do. 

You REGAIN Time: Every stressed out female is so easily able to claim “I need more time’ but having a clear set of not-to-do items not only opens up more time in your day but allows you to avoid ‘feeling bad’ about not engaging in things that don’t align with how you want to spend your precious time. 

The Big Pic

Letting go of the feels that you have to be the end all do all superhero woman will allow you to really embrace your true strengths and skills and give you time to enjoy with family and friends without all the stress. 

For me, it’s given me power back to know I don’t have to do all the things to be deemed worthy as a woman and that my mental and physical health is just as important as the rest of the families. From a business standpoint it has allowed my business to thrive, connecting me with others who were further able to help me leverage my time while earning those dollar dollar bills!

It’s kinda funny because there is so much stress trying to DO everything but sometimes you just have to be ok with knowing there are things you DO NOT want to master at the present time.

Need more stress busting tips? Check out some of my favorites here!
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3 Ways Meditation Can Benefit Your Health

3 Ways Meditation Can Benefit Your Health

Do you deal with excessive stress or anxiety? 

While there are many medications that can help address stress and anxiety there are also SO many natural methods that you can try too. Cultivating a lifestyle in which you take some time to breathe and meditate is way better than poppin’ some pills with side effects! Here’s a few reasons why meditation may be something you add to your routine!

Reduce Inflammatory Responses: When we are in constant states of stress. Cortisol, one of our main stress hormones, goes into overdrive creating a hijack situation to the emotional centers of our brain like the amygdala -creating more inflammatory responses in the body. (clearly something we don’t want ladies).

I’m that girl who's always on the go but while in lockdown I, like many of you, were forced to slow down and chill. While some of my friends stressed out listening to the news, I noticed big differences in my stress levels simply after taking 5-10 minutes throughout the day to quietly breathe.

Improve Focus and Attention: Anyone else struggling in this area??: (Raises both hands sky high!!) My mind wanders all the time. Gone are the days of me making fun of those peeps using Post-it Notes for everything. I'm now that girl-sorry if I previously made fun of ya’ (I now see the struggle is real). 

Taking time to meditate not only helps reduce stress but can also help improve your attention. In a world where we are CONSTANTLY bombarded with information I think we could all agree that a little more focus would be good….can I get an AMEN!

Emotional Health: As a PT I was trained to focus on the physical aspect of health with a teeny bit of nutritional education. Nowadays I focus primarily on emotional health as a means to attain the true health goals so many seek. Mindset and mindfulness is everyTHANG!

An often ignored part of our healthcare system, our emotional health can be a HUGE predictor of our ability to fight off DIS-ease. 


Neurochemicals released in the body that respond to stress can have direct effects on a person’s mood and lead to things like depression. I’ve found that meditation helps improve my overall mood, leaving me with a more positive outlook and better self image. There are even studies out there showing meditation helping to lessen the effects of depression (¹ )


If you are struggling with focus, attention, mood, stress or just want to add some emotional wellness practices into you and your families life there are so many ways you can choose to start your meditation journey. These are just some of the many reasons I decided to start and trust me this is a process still in the works. Most important is that you consider giving it a try for at min 14-21 days before you write it off. You may truly start to discover why they say “You are what you think”!

Want more tips on how to manage stress…..check out my some of my fav stress busting tips here

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