As a kid we are filled with dreams, wishes, and goals for our life but somewhere along the way we get totally derailed and stop believing we can really accomplish anything with ease! We start overthinking, creating analysis paralysis all while the years go by and you still find yourself ‘wishing’ and ‘hoping’ that ‘one day’ things will change.
Honey, that day has come! I took a look back at what 3 things I consistently did when I hit major accomplishments in my life and am sharing them right here. They are simplistic and effective but the key is to get them done!
Let’s dive in shall we?
Decide what you want for your life
Why people say to stop daydreaming I have no idea but honestly when you daydream about what your life could be you get emotionally involved in the vision of what you really want. There is no age limit to dreaming big so don’t be ashamed and be bold to declare what you really want for your life. Once you are clear on what you want (rather than focusing on what you don’t like about your current situation) you can then move forward and create a plan.
Set a goal
Too often we create goals that we really know how to accomplish. Moving forward you are now going to create something that is going to push you out of your comfort zone because you aren’t going to be fully aware of how the goal can actually be accomplished. Best part, your ability to achieve the goal has no relevance on whether you do or don’t know how to achieve it-that’s irrelevant! Stay focused on the end goal and you’ll be surprised how things just fall into place.
Take action daily
No goal can be met if you don’t take action. Many times humans get caught up in their own thoughts and all that does is crush your chances of accomplishing what you want. Commit to taking 1-3 small steps daily that are related to that goal and stick with it. When you are really clear on what you want and you’ve set the right goal your drive to see what can happen just evolves naturally!

So share below what is something you want to accomplish in a year from now? Are you feeling stressed out about the idea of getting started with all this?- I’ve got you covered. Take a look at these tips and get ready to celebrate your wins!