Maybe you’ve heard about financial investments, educational investments, and even gym membership investments but what about investments into upgrading your mindset?
I know it may not seem worth investing in as your mind is always ‘on’ but truth be told your mind may not be focused on the right things and that could be holding you back. I know it was for me!
Just like you workout your muscles, your brain and your thoughts also need a workout of their own and that requires just as much effort on a daily basis as anything else.
I describe a healthy mindset as one that is able to find the good in all things, that focuses on the positive aspects, and seeks to increase awareness and adaptability.
Becoming aware of just how important your attitude and mindset is in all your decisions is vital and although it’s work, it is the best investment you will ever make in yourself.

Here are 5 tips to help you create a healthier mindset:
Daily Gratitude
The attitude of gratitude is the winning mindset to have. When your mindset is fostering a lot of negative thoughts and opinions you find yourself believing what you have is not enough as compared to someone else. It’s time to ditch those ideas and give daily gratitude for the things you have (big and small) as well as the things you want to attract into your life that aren’t yet apparent to you.
Setting Clear Boundaries
Too often as women we can get caught in allowing others negative drama to capture our precious time. This can be so difficult but having clear boundaries for your time and energy will allow your mind to be in a space to be creative towards the things you want.
Move Daily
I am a Physical Therapist so I cannot leave movement out of the equation. Physical movement that you enjoy not only helps your body but the endorphins released help your brain and often spark that creative and imaginative spirit that allows you to strive for your goals.
Stay Curious
Having a healthy mindset means you need to foster a willingness to learn something new and also put it into action. Podcasts or personal development books are a great way to start, just remember no action no growth.
You may have heard it before however you act and think like the 5-10 people you spend the most time around. When you are spending more time around like minded and positive people you are more inclined to view things in a much different way!

Creating a healthy mindset will absolutely feel daunting and like a second job at first, but remain consistent and you will see just how seamless and engrained this way of thinking becomes in your daily life. I suggest starting with 1-2 of the tips and move forward from there. No point in getting stress and frustrated trying to do it all at once right? Have fun!
Need even more support? Grab my free guide on 6 ways to beat stress.

As a kid we are filled with dreams, wishes, and goals for our life but somewhere along the way we get totally derailed and stop believing we can really accomplish anything with ease! We start overthinking, creating analysis paralysis all while the years go by and you still find yourself ‘wishing’ and ‘hoping’ that ‘one day’ things will change.
Honey, that day has come! I took a look back at what 3 things I consistently did when I hit major accomplishments in my life and am sharing them right here. They are simplistic and effective but the key is to get them done!
Let’s dive in shall we?
Decide what you want for your life
Why people say to stop daydreaming I have no idea but honestly when you daydream about what your life could be you get emotionally involved in the vision of what you really want. There is no age limit to dreaming big so don’t be ashamed and be bold to declare what you really want for your life. Once you are clear on what you want (rather than focusing on what you don’t like about your current situation) you can then move forward and create a plan.
Set a goal
Too often we create goals that we really know how to accomplish. Moving forward you are now going to create something that is going to push you out of your comfort zone because you aren’t going to be fully aware of how the goal can actually be accomplished. Best part, your ability to achieve the goal has no relevance on whether you do or don’t know how to achieve it-that’s irrelevant! Stay focused on the end goal and you’ll be surprised how things just fall into place.
Take action daily
No goal can be met if you don’t take action. Many times humans get caught up in their own thoughts and all that does is crush your chances of accomplishing what you want. Commit to taking 1-3 small steps daily that are related to that goal and stick with it. When you are really clear on what you want and you’ve set the right goal your drive to see what can happen just evolves naturally!

So share below what is something you want to accomplish in a year from now? Are you feeling stressed out about the idea of getting started with all this?- I’ve got you covered. Take a look at these tips and get ready to celebrate your wins!

I wanted to share one of my favorite mindset quotes to remind you just how great you already are. It’s time to throw out the garbage thoughts and level up your life!
I know this way of thinking is sometimes easier said than done, right? Just like any hobby, class, or new job it’s going to be work but the results are so worth it.
Here are 3 of my favorite mindset tips to create greatness in your life:
Level up the folks in your inner circle
You are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time around so if you find yourself around individuals who aren’t striving for more in their personal, financial, professional lives then it may be time to find a new crew. Not sure where to find them? Revisit your networks or go and find a new crew that is interested in similar things as you.
Find a mentor whose already where you want to be
Having someone who can push you and hold you accountable for taking daily action steps towards the things you wish in your life is huge! This by far was one of the best things I ever invested in. Finding a mentor who has already accomplished things you wish for yourself continues to keep you in a high energy state of awareness to know that anything is possible for you as well.
Invest in personal development
Have you ever noticed how many of us are easily willing to invest in education for a degree that affirms our ability to have learned stuff in a book but freak out about investing in growing ourselves personally? This was me for so long but what a mistake that was. If you want greatness in all areas of your life you need to be able to have the mindset for that level of success even before it has fully presented itself. You can start by grabbing a personal development book by any of the greats (Bob Proctor, Tony Robbins, Napoleon Hill) or find an amazing Podcast that speaks to you.

No matter what, if you don’t believe in you then who will? Never forget you were born great so let that ‘ish shine!

What is Hygee anyway?
Hoagie? Hi-G? UGH…..if you’re feeling like you have no idea how to even pronounce this no worries, I had no clue what this was until I learned from a friend, but let me tell you this is a concept that could get me into HomeGoods to buy all the comfy simplistic decor for my home. Pronounced HOO-gah, hygee is an idea created back in the 18th century by the Danish that not only is a way of being but describes decor that is free of clutter and full of serenity.
Since the main characteristics behind hygge are revolving around coziness this lifestyle can often involve much more than decor.
How do you create a hygge environment?
Use Aromatherapy: Scented candles are cute but can be a potential fire hazard with kids or if you fall asleep and since many are filled with synthetic fragrances and ingredients they can be damaging to the respiratory system. Switch them out for diffusers and quality essential oils-not only will the smell last much longer but you will also enjoy the health benefits as well, creating the ultimate calming vibe.
Create a spa-like bathroom: I’m the kind of girl that loves a good bath and creating a hygge bathroom was a priority on my list (hello…..anyone else love a good bubble bath?) Consider adding cute neutral colored decor and simplistic storage to declutter the space. If it’s within your budget change the light switch to a dimmer and grab yourself some battery operated candles it instantly turned my bathroom into a spa like feel-you may just find the bathroom becomes your new hide out spot!
Create a cozy space with pillows and blankets: You clearly don’t have to tell me twice to cuddle up in a warm blankie with my fav sweats on! This paired with a good book or some chill music and tea and I’m in cozy hygge heaven.
Can you chill with it?
Well…..hell yeah! I’m all about self care and less stress in my life and if you're like me this concept is a great way to practice true self care. Need more deets on this concept check out this book and get ready to embrace the hygge life. It will be just what the doctor should’ve ordered!
Like these stress less tips then enjoy grabbing some more ideas here.
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Sometimes I look at the mats at the gym and ask myself “when was the last time that mat was cleaned?” The mix of hot yoga studios and repeated sweat on your mat isn’t the best combo to keep things clean and fresh. I’m more than happy that I choose to bring my mat to the gym but after thinking about all the germs it does make me wonder what exactly is inside the gym sprays and how healthy is it.
It's important to keep your mat clean so you can enjoy every practice. Just be mindful to avoid toxic cleaners that will cause damage to your respiratory system and switch those out for natural options that have ingredient properties that are great for addressing microbes and bacteria.
This easy recipe has a blend of plants that are not only known to be great for neutralizing odors and disinfecting the air, but also have amazing properties to address virus, fungus, and microbial agents.

Materials Needed
2 oz glass spray bottle (I love these)
5 drops of Purification Essential Oil
5 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil
Add all drops into the glass spray bottle, add water and place spray top on. Prior to use, shake well then spray a few inches away from the surface. You can let it sit or wipe it off and let it air dry.
Not only is this DIY cleaner easy and effective but it smells great too!