The office parties, the cookies, and never ending search for gifts is enough to make you stressed and anxious-that used to be me as well. With your calendar only having a certain amount of free time to get all the holiday events in it can be a lot to manage and cope with.
Here are 4 of my favorite tips for beating stress during the holidays:
Eat real foods: Stressing during the holiday trying to find that “perfect gift” creates increased temptation to eat empty calorie, highly processed, and high sugar foods. Aim to eat more fruits and vegetables and foods high in healthy fats. Not only are they healthier but they are also great to keep your energy going during the busy holiday season.
Get clear and focused on your ‘to-do list”: The holidays are when I watch way too many people let themselves completely go. Set your priorities, let those in your family know your holiday non negotiables for personal self care, and allow all the rest to fall into place.
Use essential oils: I know Christmas Spirit scented lotion, candles and body spray sounds amazing but the synthetic fragrances in those personal care products are often creating hormone disruption and respiratory/skin allergens that can lead you to feel more stress, tired, and drained. Inhaling high quality, therapeutic grade essential oils via diffusing or topical application will help you decrease stress while enjoying the health benefits.
Make time to exercise daily: Stress is often elevated during the holidays for a variety of reasons and one of the fastest ways to relieve that is by exercising. Movement helps decrease cortisol (stress hormone) levels in the body and also keeps you feeling stronger and better able to fight off illness that often swoops in during the holiday times.
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I know this all sounds easier said than done but remember after the gifts are all opened and the parties are all done maintaining a sustainable practice of stress reduction methods needs to continue. Start your holiday season off right clearly stating your intentions to manage your priorities and stress levels so you go into the new year feeling truly renewed!